
(1 Vote)
General Information Loutra Attractions Loutra Initiatives in Remembrance of Asia Minor The Thermal Bathhouse of Skala Loutron Nearby Attractions    5.1  Archaeology near Loutra    5.2  Beaches near Loutra General Information Ascend to the western slopes of Amali and -…


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At the Early and Middle Bronze Age, the organized settlement of Thermi, had been one of the so called “Trojan Culture” ‘s center. Both the amount and quality of findings in the area, enlighten the significance of this settlement.It is…

Pyrgi Thermis

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The first settlement you will meet as soon as you enter this municipality, only 11 km north of Mytilene, is Pyrgi Thermis. Main characteristic of the area are the impressive, of special architecture towers. They were used as fortified country…
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