Lesviaki Gi Natural Handmade Soaps from Virgin Olive Oil of Lesvos
http://www.aegeanvacation.com/media/reviews/photos/thumbnail/300x300s/95/6f/ab/lesviaki-gi-handmade-soaps-from-virgin-olive-oil-of-lesvos-1-54-1381347531.jpgLesviaki Gi has been creating traditional handmade soaps for the past 8 decades. The family-run business partakes in a long-standing history of soap-making on Lesvos.
Soap is a genuine product of the island’s nature, and its discovery has been mythically attributed to the Lesvian poetess Sappho.
Our company name of Lesviaki Gi (meaning “Lesvian Land”) pays tribute to the natural environment that supplies us with the raw material for our products. The fruit of the olive tree matures under the light of the Aegean sun and renders the exquisite olive oil used in the making of our traditional soaps. We only use 100% local virgin olive oil to formulate the base for our soap, producing thus an ideal cleansing product for your face and body.
Lesviaki Gi soap is available to purchase in packages of 100, 125, 200 and 250 grams, and also comes in powdered form, which makes it a superb laundry detergent and household-cleaning agent.