Easter in Ikaria
During the Easter in Ikaria, the villages of Agios Kirikos revive the custom of “pile” . All villages prepare a stack of wood, which as soon as the gospel “Christ is risen” is heard, is set to flames. Each village aims to make the largest pile and set the most spectacular fire. That is the reason why some people ‘guard’ their village’s pile, in order to prevent stealing or even burning from the residents of ‘enemy’ villages.
A quite similar custom, which is called “Afanos”, is revived by the inhabitants of the settlement Karavostamo. It owes its name to the bushes (“afanes”), existing in the pile.
Moreover, at the settlements of Christos and Gladero, the customs of “Antilampra” and “stingy” Judas are revived. The residents of those settlements, create an effigy of Judas, put it in a location that anyone can see it, and set it on fire on Easter Sunday.