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Фимьяна расположена в 7 км от города Хиос.Ранее назывался "Effimianos",что означает известное место, название, которое  нас приводит к знаменитым камням Фимьяна, добывающие в этом районе. Благодаря этому красноватому камню,построено много церквей и обителей Хиоса,а также в Малой Азии

В парке деревни вы найдете статую героя Гьяни Фатуру, посвященную героически павшим в битве с турками в 1822 году. Вы также можете посетить церковь Святого Эвстратиос, построенный также из камня Фимьяна. Если подняться немного, вы увидите, монастырь Св. Aнаргиров,возле  традиционных ветряных мельниц.

Стоит проехать немного дальше и возле села Неохори и сможете посетить исторический монастырь Агио Мина, который стал всемирно известным в 1822 году в связи с трагической резней,учиненной турками. Другие красивые церкви в этом районе, являются: Сорока Святых, Санкт-Вассос, Ипапантис(посещение) Агиос Трифонос. Вы также сможете сделать экскурсию по деревне Kерамеа и полюбоваться башней святого Иоанна, которая известна в деревне в течение двух веков.

Для любителей пляжного отдыха мы предлагаем посетить космополитические пляжи Великого Лимнионас и Св Гермиона ,а также  пустынный пляж Маври, близ деревни Kерамеа.


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On the southern end of the island, near the medieval village of Pyrgi and at a distance of 33 km from the capital city, lies the beach at Vroulidia. This beach stands out by her bluest-of-blue waters, the fine, white pebbles and exotic landscape.  The seashore at Vroulidia is surrounded by steep rocks which offer the privacy and seclusion some beach-goers and nature-lovers absolutely covet! 

This place is indeed isolated, and has no facilities or services whatsoever, save for a single cantina.  There is ample parking, and to reach the shore, you have to climb down some stone steps.            


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The pebble-sand beach of Lilikas is adjacent to the touristy Komi Beach, and approximately 27 km from the island’s capital city.  If accessing this beach via Komi is not convenient, you can also follow an unpaved road from the village Kalamoti.  Here you will not find the amenities, facilities and services of nearby Komi….all you’ll find here is a quiet and peaceful spot to take a swim and enjoy the atmosphere. 

Nonetheless, a short walk away is Komi for your dining, entertainment and other needs. However, there is a lone cantina on the beach, perfect should you need to quench your thirst under the hot sun.       





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The popular and inviting beach at Komi sits at a distance of 25 km from the capital city, and its closest village is Kalamoti.  The smooth sand, crystal-clear waters and modern tourist resort are a magnet for anyone looking for a refreshing swim, some “R & R” or for a place where the kids can have some fun.  The beach and resort are well-kept, offer nightlife entertainment and offer an international flair not found in most spots around the island. 

Many of the guests here are “regulars”, tourists who return to Komi year after year after year.  Despite the touristy-feel, the restaurants and seaside tavernas serve up nothing but the freshest, tastiest seafood in the area.             





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Named after the pure-white lilies that flourish here, the gorgeous little beach of Lefkathia is nestled in a cove, along the northwest coast of Chios (near the village Volisso).  This public beach is well-maintained and equipped with complimentary lounge chairs and umbrellas, and there is even a beach bar to enjoy a cold summer drink. 

This sandy beach is ideal for water sports and has volleyball nets.  Take a swim in the cool, deep waters while searching for the rock with engravings on it….as legend has it, a local sculptor carved the images inspired by the beauty of the surrounding area.   





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At a length of 1.5 km, Managros Beach is Chios’s largest and longest, and is situated on the northwest coastline (near the village of Volisso and some 42 km from the capital city).  The deep waters and pebble-sand beach makes Managros an aesthetically eye-pleasing sight…a great place to swim and lay out for a tan, or to relax with a good book under the shade of an umbrella. 

Rediscover Mother Nature and soak in the simple beauty of the green landscape and environment of Managros Beach…there is even a well-maintained campsite here if that interests you.  Families of all ages and sizes are especially welcome here…so please come, the surf and sun are waiting!    




Пляж Лити

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On the west coast of the island Chios, next to the village of Lithi and just under 30 km from the capital city, you’ll find a small beach cradled by an inlet.  Her shallow, warm waters and fine sandy shore are perfect for a family outing, as the children will enjoy hours of play time in and out of the water, and the “big kids” will have the ideal conditions for a refreshing and relaxing day of swimming and laying out on the beach. 

In the area you’ll find a wide array of places to stay, taste the fresh, caught-daily seafood and your visit wouldn’t be complete without indulging in the sun’s slow descent into the horizon…a spectacular sunset that you won’t soon forget.     




Пляж Агия Маркелла

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Known best for her deep waters, this beach offers you the perfect spot for a peaceful, laid back swim, while set against the comforting backdrop of the small, yet ornate church of Agia Markella.  The village is near Volisso, at a distance of about 48 km from the island’s capital.  The beach and village are named after the island’s protector and patron Saint, Markella. 

Her historical significance attracts a large portion of the tourists and visitors alike who come to Chios every year.  The crystal-clear waters and sandy, pebble beach will be just the ticket, and your visit here wouldn’t be complete if you didn’t stop by the seaside taverna for some local island dishes, including the freshest seafood around.           





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The quiet and subdued beach at Trachili, at a distance of 21 km from the capital, is the perfect spot if you are looking to escape the daily routine and life of an urban area…here however, you won’t find the amenities and conveniences of other beaches.

The blend of rough sand and pebbles gives this shoreline a unique texture, while the crystal-clear waters are suitable for long swims.  Among the most naturally attractive on the island, this raw, unscathed beach is ideal for a relaxing and peaceful experience.     





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At a short distance from the village of Kardamila is the gorgeous little beach at Nagos.  This seashore stands out by its multi-colored pebble sand and dense, surrounding vegetation, caused by the streams and running water in the area.  Climb the stepping stones leading up a hill, giving you a breathtaking view of the beach, the blue sea and deep-green landscape. 

This snapshot of Mother Nature along with the pure, clean and cool waters put this beach at among Chios’ best.  In the neighboring area you’ll find tavernas offering a traditional menu, and other tourist amenities to make your stay enjoyable and convenient.  Nagos Beach can be reached via public bus service, with frequent daily routes from the capital city.   




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