Agia Zoni

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The monastery of Agia Zoni, is located in the valley of Vlamaris, about nine kilometers east of the capital town of Samos. It was founded by a monk named Meletius, in 1695.It is a basilica temple with a dome, and…

Timios Stavros

(0 votes)
The monastery of Timios Stavros, is located two kilometers southeast of the settlement of Mavratzei. It was built by a monk named Nilus and his brother Dionysius, in 1592-1604.It is a basilica church with a dome and has an ornate…

Megali Panagia

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The monastery of Megali Panagia, is built in an overgrown location, two kilometers southeast of the settlement of Koumaradei, by a monk named Nilus and his brother Dionysius, in 1586.It is dedicated to Virgin Mary and in its center, has…

Agia Triada

(0 votes)
The monastery of Agia Triada is the newest monastery on the island of Samos. It was built in 1824, by a monk named Neofytos, over the ruins of an older church. The monastery is located near the settlement of Mytilene,…
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